In a dystopian nation where people's lives are determined based on 3 phases, a 13-year-old living in the monotonous, coercive, repressive, and repetitive life cycle of phase II attempts to progress to phase III hoping for a better life.
Emma Schmitt
as Aspen Vanetti (Unit 118)
Jessica Caylin West
as 22
McKenna Elise
as Adult Aspen Vanetti
Aina Grané Pérez
as Jeo Student
Elizabeth Glammeyer
as Jeo Student
Rheese Wheeler
as Jeo Student
Brooklyn Larson
as Jeo Student
Johnathon Rodriguez
as Jeo Student
Harlee Hollibaugh
as Jeo Student
Beau Bell
as Jeo Student
Paula Lozano
as Jeo Student
Bernardo Almedia
as Jeo Student