Inspired in form by American police TV shows and soap operas, The Golden Boat is a madcap, surreal dash through the streets of New York city, telling the mysterious and often hilarious story of an aged street-person named Austin, a comically compulsive assassin, as he joins up with a young rock critic and philosophy student named Israel Williams. In the course of their adventures, Austin pursues his object of desire - a Mexican soap opera star - and along the way engages a host of TV characters and bit players, whose repartee range from gangsterish insults to the question of God's existence.
Michael Kirby
as Austin
Federico Muchnik
as Israel Williams
Brett Alexander
as Doc
Mary Hestand
as Alina
Kathy Acker
as Professor
Kate Valk
as Amelia Lopes
Jim Jarmusch
as Stranger
Barbet Schroeder
as Mean Passer-by
Annie Sprinkle
as Waitress
Hisham Bizri
as Himself
Vito Acconci
as Swiss assassin