Following the discovery of a serious threat to the Clone Army of the Republic, a unit of civilian volunteers is dispatched to quell the Separatist scheme. Meanwhile, a young man with a special gift struggles to find a place of belonging in the galaxy. "From the Ashes" is a fan-made, feature-length LEGO stop-motion Star Wars film.
Joel Keiter
as Clone Troopers/Pilot/Commander
Dennis Dlouhy
as Majonas Kase
Carly Marcotte
as Doctor
Jerome Thomas
as Lieutenant
Rod Heikkila
as Jax Winters/Count Dooku
Jeff Renaud
as Dale Jarviss
Anita May
as Sev m'kornyck
Brian May
as Bruce Stokes
Ben Spiller
as Lee Jenkins
Helen Heikkila
as Andi Kellar
Brendan May
as Riley Flynn/Battle Droids
Martin Vandenberk
as Marty Brooks