A classic detective story based on one of the best-loved Golden Age crime writers, Cyril Hare, novel "An English Murder" originally published in 1951. The setting of An English Murder seems, at first, to be a very conventional one. A group of family and friends come together for Christmas at a country house, Warbeck Hall. The house is owned by Lord Warbeck, a dying and impoverished peer who wants to be among loved ones for what he thinks will be his last Christmas. The holiday decorations are up and snow is falling fast outside. The guests range from the Lord's difficult son to a visiting Czech historian. There is, of course, a faithful butler and his ambitious daughter. But when the murders begin, there is nothing at all conventional about them - or the manner of their detection...
Борис Иванов
as сэр Джулиус Уорбек
Алексей Баталов
as Доктор Ботвинк
Георгий Тараторкин
as Роберт Уорбек
Ирина Муравьёва
as Сюзанна
Иван Переверзев
as Бриггс
Faime Jürno
as леди Камилла
Einari Koppel
as сержант Роджерс
Leonid Obolensky
as лорд Уорбек
Eugenija Pleškytė
as миссис Карстерс
Александр Вигдоров
as секретарь Джулиуса Уорбека
Valeria Menikovskaya
as мать леди Камиллы
Vladimir Doveiko
as Стилс