This TV movie focuses on an average East German citizen, who accidentally becomes a Cold War victim. Shortly before his wedding day, East German Stephan Busemann goes to West Germany to attend his brother Hubert's fiftieth birthday. At the same time, his son Martin and his daughter-in-law Bettina flee their communist home country in a balloon, what Stephan didn't know. As the East Germans believe he helped them to escape, he isn't allowed to return, so Martin writes a letter to the country's leader Erich Honecker. However, now the West Germans think that Stephan is a spy.
Wolfgang Stumph
as Stephan Busemann
Katrin Sass
as Eva Linde
Jürgen Tarrach
as Hubert Busemann
Steffen Groth
as Martin Busemann
Winnie Böwe
as Bettina Busemann
Bernd Michael Lade
as Kurt Hempel
Franziska Troegner
as Renate Giering
Udo Schenk
as Stasi-Mitarbeiter Strassmann
Rolf Kanies
as Anwalt Dr. Spies
Peter Fitz
as CPD-Vorsitzender Wilfried Ahlert
Günter Junghans
as SED-Genosse Scholz
Bruno F. Apitz
as Metzger