The documentary tells the life story of Margot Friedländer, a 101-year-old Berlin native who survived the Holocaust and was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit, First Class, in January of this year.
Margot Friedländer
as Self
Julia Anna Grob
as Margot Friedländer (young)
Ilona Schulz
as Margot Friedländer (old)
Hannah Ley
as Auguste Bentheim
Peter Lewys Preston
as Adolph Friedländer
Annika Olbrich
as Hanna Litten
Luise von Finckh
as Stella Goldschlag
Peter Sikorski
as Bruno Schmidt
Rainer Frank
as Bromberg
Axel Prahl
as Reuter
Konstantin Lindhorst
as Sternheim
Thea Rasche
as Waltraut