Based on the novel by Charles de Coster "The Legend of Thyl Ulenspiegel and Lamme Goedzak, and their Adventures Heroical, Joyous and Glorious in the Land of Flanders and Elsewhere." First part: "The Ashes of Claes". XVI century. The freedom-loving and cheerful people of the Netherlands under the rule of the Spanish king: persecution, torture, bonfires of the Inquisition, encouraging scammers. The fearless Thyl Uhlenshpiegel and his faithful girlfriend Nele have to go through many trials. Second part: "Viva Beggars!". The people of the Netherlands, tormented by cruel royal decrees, taxes, heresy, torture and executions, began a war of liberation against Spanish rule. Many feats will be performed by the national hero Tilbert (Thyl) Ulenspiegel and his friend Lamme Gudzak before peace returns to their homeland.
Lembit Ulfsak
as Till Eulenspiegel
Наталья Белохвостикова
as Nele
Евгений Леонов
as Lamme
Михаил Ульянов
as Claes
Лариса Малеванная
as Soetkin
Алла Демидова
as Katheline
Анатолий Солоницын
as Fishmonger
Иннокентий Смоктуновский
as Charles V
Николай Граббе
as judge
Владислав Дворжецкий
as Philip II
Евгений Евстигнеев
as priest
Вадим Захарченко
as Executioner