“The Suppliants of Aeschylus were part of a trilogy consisting of Supplicants, Sons of Egypt and Danaids, followed by a satyr drama Amirnon. It was first performed at the Theater of Dionysus in Athens, probably in 463 BC."
Mario Incudine
as Cantastorie
Angelo Tosto
as Danao
Donatella Finocchiaro
as Prima Corifea
Rita Abela
as Corifee
Sara Aprile
as Corifee
Giada Lorusso
as Corifee
Elena Polic Greco
as Corifee
Alessandra Salamida
as Corifee
Moni Ovadia
as Pelasgo
Marco Guerzoni
as Araldo degli Egizi
Faisal Taher
as Voce egizia