The sequel to "Yossi and Jagger" finds character Yossi (Ohad Knoller) leading a sad existence after losing his partner Jagger on the battlefield. A chance encounter with a middle-aged woman linked to his past shakes up his otherwise staid routine and sends him on a spontaneous pilgrimage to Tel Aviv. It is on the roads of southern Israel that he reignites the fire of his former self.
Ohad Knoller
as Yossi
עוז זהבי
as Tom
ליאור אשכנזי
as Moti
אורלי זילברשץ
as Varda
Ola Schur Selektar
as Nina
Meir Golan
as Nimrod
Shlomi Ben Attar
as Fefer
Amir Jerassi
as Benda
Raffi Tavor
as Mr. Amichai
Shlomo Sadan
as Professor Neuman
Gil Desiano
as Yariv
Bobbi Jene Smith
as Rachelle