The film tells the story of Michelle, who is enjoying a peaceful retirement in a charming Burgundy village near her longtime friend Marie-Claude. She eagerly anticipates her grandson Lucas spending the school vacation with her, but things don’t go as planned. Feeling lonely, Michelle loses her sense of purpose, until Marie-Claude’s son gets out of prison.
Hélène Vincent
as Michelle
Josiane Balasko
as Marie-Claude
Ludivine Sagnier
as Valérie
Pierre Lottin
as Vincent
Vincent Colombe
as Le médecin de Michelle
Sophie Guillemin
as La capitaine
Garlan Erlos
as Lucas
Malik Zidi
as Laurent
Marie-Laurence Tartas
as La médecin de l'hôpital
Paul Beaurepaire
as Lucas (18 ans)
Sidiki Bakaba
as Le curé
Pierre Le Coz
as Le brigadier