2006, Shikoku's shipping city faces the Seto Inland Sea. Akio Hoshigami, a girl who lost her dream of becoming a track and field athlete due to a leg injury, entered high school with her best friend Ayano Umisoe. Club activities and meeting new friends, Meizakura, who was empty, is gradually regaining her former self. However, one day Saiki suddenly disappears. On this planet, there have been battles that have continued since ancient times. Once given to God, eight giants with empty souls "Star Machina".
Miho Mashiro
as Umisoe Ayano (voice)
Yuuto Arai
as Hoshi no Sadame (Fate of the Planet) (voice)
Natsuki Ochiai
as Satou Honoka (voice)
Yudai Noda
as Priest 2 (voice)
Kusaka Mahiro
as Hoshigami Akio (voice)
Haruse Rinka
as Yamada Sora (voice)
Ichinose Miro
as Aratae Shiori (Uta) / Aratae Shiori (Yuu) (voice)
Yahata Yuuna
as Yamabe Kasumi (voice)
Hahashi Yui
as Priestess 3 (voice)
Sakuragi Karin
as Priestess 4 (voice)