During a hunting party on New Year's Eve 1976, five representatives of the bourgeoisie encounter with their companion the body of a partisan from the Civil War of the late forties. What they are most confused about is the fact that the corpse that lies at their feet is still bleeding…
Μαίρη Χρονοπούλου
as Diamantis' Wife
Εύα Κοταμανίδου
as General's Wife
Μπέτυ Βαλάση
as Savvas' Wife
Αλίκη Γεωργούλη
as Papadopoulos' Wife
Βαγγέλης Καζάν
as Savvas
Γιώργος Δάνης
as Yannis Diamantis (Industrialist)
Ηλίας Σταματίου
as Antonis Papadopoulos
Στράτος Παχής
as Giorgos Fantakis (Constructor)
Νίκος Κούρος
as General
Χριστόφορος Νέζερ
as Politician
Βασίλης Τσάγκλος
Ρολάνδος Χρέλιας