Gypo is the story of a working class family in Margate, Kent, a town where immigrants have become the focus of most of the public's discontent. The film tells the story of the a couple of weeks in this family's life, beginning when a young Czech girl, Tash, comes to visit. The film is made in the Dogme95 tradition, so no costumes, no lighting, no props or sets, which gives the film a gritty texture appropriate to the story.
Paul McGann
as Paul
Pauline McLynn
as Helen
Chloe Sirene
as Tasha
Tamzin Dunstone
as Kelly
Rula Lenska
as Irina
Barry Latchford
as Jimmy
Freddie Connor
as Tasha's Husband
Tom Stuart
as Darren
Olegar Fedoro
as Tasha's Father
Sean Wilton
as Art Tutor
Angelica O'Reilly
as Prostitute
Rebecca Clow
as Terminal Hostess