Lost in a world reclaimed by nature and overrun by mysterious creatures, Ethan, a young man with amnesia navigates the dangerous landscape in search of his lost love Emma. His journey takes an unexpected turn when he encounters Mae, a hardened and eccentric survivor. Together, Ethan and Mae face threats both human and otherwise before a fateful encounter with Kai unravels a secret that lies just beyond Ethan's fractured memory.
Douglas Smith
as Ethan
Carrie-Anne Moss
as Mae
Frank Grillo
as Kai
Steven Roy
as The Wolf
Kimberly-Sue Murray
as Emma
Harlan Blayne Kytwayhat
as The Fox
Jonathan Cherry
as Tom
Amy Matysio
as Jolene
Sari Mercer
as Sara
Leo Fafard
as Hunter
Laura Abramsen
as Jawless Woman
Ryland Alexander
as Monstrous Man