An Original Documentary that explores the unexplained events at 5 unique locations including an Antebellum Haunted Mansion, the most spirited Movie Palace in America, a tragic spot in the Florida Clay Pits, Al Capone's Florida Hideout and more with 4 Expert Investigation Teams.
Will De Renzy-Martin
as Narrator
Jill Witecki
as Theatre Caretaker
Andrew Mullen
as Historian
Jeremy Rettig
as Paranormal Investigator
A.J. Fulcher
as Paranormal Investigator
Ryan Krawczyk
as Paranormal Investigator
Janet Krawczyk
as Paranormal Investigator
Tracy Todd
as Paranormal Investigator
Katie Levesque
as Ghost of Elizabeth Bellamy
Susan Todd
as Paranormal Investigator
Jeff Wurst
as Paranormal Investigator
Kenny Foxworth
as Paranormal Investigator