Episodic film that follows a theater troupe from France attempting to put on a play in Sarajevo. Along their journey they are captured and held in a POW camp, and they call for help from their friends and relations in France.
Madeleine Assas
as Camille
Ghalya Lacroix
as Damila / Rosette
Bérangère Allaux
as L'Actrice du Film dans le Film
Vicky Messica
as Vicky Vitalis, le Cinéaste
Frédéric Pierrot
as Jérôme
Harry Cleven
as Harry, le Grand Écrivain
Michel Francini
as Le Baron Félix
Sabine Bail
as Sabine, l'Amie du Baron
Max André
as Boka, le Conseiller
Sylvie Herbert
as Sylvie, la Mère
Cécile Reigher
as Assistante Opératrice
Dominique Pozzetto
as Stagiaire