Based in the late 19th Century, we follow the story of the successful upper class politician and military officer, Ludovic Scott, as he re-lives his adventures while writing his memoirs. Ludovic lives in a high point of the British Empire where his life is full of friendship, love, wealth, honour and status - however he also faces war, treachery, revenge and death.
Christopher Mulvin
as Ludovic Scott
Rosanna Thornwood
as Josephine Sterling
Shaun Dodwell
as Obadiah Tirrell
Michael Pickford
as Mr. Sterling
Tony Manders
as Ludovic Sr.
Jamie Lillycrop
as Party Guest #1
Hannah Bowen
as Party Guest #2
Robin Mackenzie
as Party Guest #3
Tom Robinson
as Butler
Henry Uings
as Bar Fly #1
Lee Sanders
as Bar Fly #2
Seth Tonkin
as Bar Fly #3