Set in the 1990s in the competitive world of high school cheer-leading, Soula defies her father's dream for her to take over the family souvlaki business and finds herself chosen to lead her team to victory despite being a complete novice and far from the stereotypical cheerleader.
Naomi Sequeira
as Melody
Felicity Price
as Coach Hunter
Josh Heuston
as Barry
Tahyna MacManus
as Louise
Tiarnie Coupland
as Stacey
Tony Nikolakopoulos
as Mr. Mitsos
Alea O'Shea
as Taylor White
Rhys Muldoon
as Randy Berkowitz
Isabella Bucceri
as Tiffany
Christie Hayes
as Coach Green
George Kapiniaris
as Mr. Papadopoulos
M.J. Kokolis
as Jimmy