This action film follows the triumphs of a small town mixed martial artist whose good hearted actions, desire to be an MMA champion and the haunting visions of his parent's double murder lead him to a Cagefighting showdown; where he is forced to face his fears, defend his family name, fathers honor, and in the end risk his own life in the cage.
Randy Couture
as Mason
Frank Shamrock
as Damien
Philip Tan
as Hino
Don Frye
as 1978 Fighter
Gary Busey
as Leroy Little
Pamela Anderson
as Self
Tom Sizemore
as Kain Diamond
David "Shark" Fralick
as Bruce Cudd
David Dunn
as Kurt Diamond
Dian Bachar
as Grady
Layzie Bone
as Self
Sal Pacino
as Doctor