A mysterious place, older than time itself, appears every few years in different parts of the world. This place selects a group of individuals from various nationalities who need to change their lives and find their path. Lucía, a believer in the love of romantic movies, and Marco, a Madrid native incapable of commitment, will discover together the true meaning of love.
Andrea Luna
as Lucía
Juan Carlos Torres
as Marco
Gian Piero Díaz
as Sacerdote
Gaizka Pasalodos
as Feranton
Alex Bejar
as Carla
Américo Zúñiga
as Coco
Marcos García Tizón
as El hombre
Merly Morello
as Mónica
Grapa Paola
as Graciela
Alicia Mercado
as Natalia
Alexandra Barandiarán
as Diana
Ernesto Pimentel Yesquén
as Venus