Ariana, a devoted young Ukrainian mother, who has escaped domestic violence with her small son, struggles to survive in LA, with the help of a new friend. When her abusive ex gets the child legally removed, she does everything she can to get a brilliant lawyer and fight the case, with unexpected consequences.
Reeve Carney
as Oleksandr Volesky
Helena Howard
as Arina Volesky
Edi Gathegi
as Matthew McConnell
Bassel Alzaro
as Victor Criscio
Carlena Britch
as Maria Lopez
Kym Wilson
as Mrs. Natascha Volesky
Carra Beckmann
as Nanny Sue Ellen
as Secretary Moon Park
Darko Ostojić
as Detective Erickson
Rigan Machado
as Jose Coronel
Laura G. Chirinos
as Maria Lopez II
Israel David Groveman
as Sergeant McKinnley