In a world where monsters can only be seen by a select few, tamer Zick and his ordinary friend Elena must capture the mischievous monsters as well as the evil Magnacat --- 2 seasons (52 episodes).
Monica Ward
as Ezechiele Zick & Elena Patata
Oliviero Dinelli
as Timothy-Moth
Ambrogio Colombo
as Jeremy-Joth
Andrea Ward
as Zobedja Zick
Alessandra Korompay
as Greta Barrymore
Massimo Di Benedetto
as Teddy Thaur
Claudio Moneta
as Terence Thaur
Loredana Nicosia
as Lay Mamery
Pietro Ubaldi
as Bombo & Theo Barrymore
Caterina Rochira
as Tessa Barrymore
Roberto Draghetti
as Magnacat
Giò Giò Rapattoni
as Julie Patata