Corazon revolves around the love story of a married couple during the times of Japanese rule in the Philippines who's having a hard time conceiving a child. After joining traditional fertility rites in honor of certain patron saints, their prayers are eventually answered but unexpected circumstances will lead to their baby's death. At which point the conflict of the story will begin
Erich Gonzales
as Corazon
Derek Ramsay
as Daniel
Mark Gil
as Matias
Tetchie Agbayani
as Melinda
Epy Quizon
as Naldo
Maria Isabel Lopez
as Herminia
Bodjie Pascua
as Maning
Mon Confiado
as Berto
as Midwife
Sharlene San Pedro
as Nene
Dan Alvaro
as Mang Romulo
Ermie Concepcion
as Aling Maya