In New York City, detective Luigi Mackeroni investigates a string of mysterious penile mutilations at the Hotel Quickie. After Mackeroni attempts to have a tryst with a gigolo he meets in the lobby, a carniverous condom bites off his right testicle and flees, which sets the detective off on a quest to stop the predatory prophylactic once and for all.
Udo Samel
as Luigi Mackeroni
Peter Lohmeyer
as Sam Hanks
Iris Berben
as Frau Dr. Riffleson
Marc Richter
as Billy
Leonard Lansink
as Babette (Bob Miller)
Evelyn Künneke
as Leichenbeschauerin Wilma
Hella von Sinnen
as Detektivin Sally
Heribert Sasse
as Mann vom Secret Service
Meret Becker
as Phyllis Higgins
Gerd Wameling
as Her Teacher
Henning Schlüter
as Hotelchef Robinson
Ralf Wolter
as Prof. Boris Smirnoff