Prospero, a potent magician, lives on a desolate isle with his virginal daughter, Miranda. He's in exile, banished from his duchy by his usurping brother and the King of Naples. Providence brings these enemies near; aided by his vassal the spirit Ariel, Prospero conjures a tempest to wreck the Italian ship. The king's son, thinking all others lost, becomes Prospero's prisoner, falling in love with Miranda and she with him. Prospero's brother and the king wander the island, as do a drunken cook and sailor, who conspire with Caliban, Prospero's beastly slave, to murder Prospero. Prospero wants reason to triumph, Ariel wants his freedom, Miranda a husband; the sailors want to dance.
Heathcote Williams
as Prospero, the Right Duke of Milan
Toyah Willcox
as Miranda, his daughter
Karl Johnson
as Ariel, an airy spirit
Jack Birkett
as Caliban, a savage and deformed slave
Peter Bull
as Alonso, the King of Naples
David Meyer
as Ferdinand, his son
Neil Cunningham
as Sebastian, his brother
Richard Warwick
as Antonio, his brother
Christopher Biggins
as Stephano, a drunken mariner
Peter Turner
as Trinculo, his friend
Ken Campbell
as Gonzalo, an honest councillor
Elisabeth Welch
as A Goddess