Set during a “beautiful summer” in Turin in 1938, against the backdrop of Fascist-era Italy’s subsequent entry into World War II. sees the 18-year-old Cassell as the uninhibited model Amelia. She introduces her younger friend Ginia to a world of bohemian artists where she will fall in love for the first time.
Yile Vianello
as Ginia
Deva Cassel
as Amelia
Nicolas Maupas
as Severino
Alessandro Piavani
as Guido
Adrien Dewitte
as Rodrigues
Cosima Centurioni
as Rosa
Gabriele Graham Gasco
as Massimo
Anna Bellato
as Mrs. Gemma
Andrea Bosca
as Dr. Andrea
Brixhilda Shqalsi
as Marta